It is the traditional account of every member and is through this account that members can qualify for the first loan.
Product Features
8% interest per annum
Minimum account balance of USD 100.00
No third party withdrawal
No Commission on turnover
Twice withdrawal in a month
Excellent product for individual and corporate with regular withdrawals needs on their account and require prompt access to their money.
Product Features
3% interest annually
No minimum balance
No Commission on turnover
No withdrawal charges
Ideal for salary workers and business people who do regular withdrawal
A cheque book is given
Access to overdraft
This is an interest bearing account which seeks to help parents build a future for their children and also cultivate a saving culture at an early stage.
Product Features
Annually competitive interest of 10% on the account
Zero opening balance
Regular monthly deposit

Are you a government or corporate employee in need of extra cash? Whether you need to pay for school fees or buy an appliance for your home, a Goverment Worker Loan provides quick cash when you need it.
Product Features
Save 40% of the loan amount you want at a reducing balance.
Interest rate of 25.05 % per annum
1 year repayment period
Get extra quick cash to support your business, buy an appliance.
Product Features
Take a loan twice your savings at a reducing balance
Interest rate of 19.5% per annum
1 year repayment period
Do you need quick cash for funeral or wedding events. Get an extra quick cash with flexible terms.
Product Features
All Emergency Loans @ 4% interest
Funeral Loan: 1 month
Rent Loan: 1 – 6 months
Wedding: 1 month
Goods Clearing: 1 – 6 months
This product is design for our susu contributors who need small amount of loans to support their business.
Product Features
Design for our susu contributors
4.2 % interest monthly
No Commission on turnover
6 months repayment period